Test your knowledge of the natural world with our series of
"What am I?"

Question 1 - I'm a marsupial (PDF, 250KB)
Question 2- I am a jumping insect (PDF, 167KB)
Question 3 - I am a large reptile (PDF, 183KB)
Question 4 - I am found in tropical areas (PDF, 167KB)
Question 5 - I live near the edge of riverbanks (PDF, 248KB)
Question 6 - I camouflage well (PDF, 167KB)
Find the answers on the right
Make at home

Nature Journaling

Download our guide to nature journaling (PDF, 412KB) here. It's a great way to observe the natural world around us using your senses and make connections to place.
Check out the How to make a nature journal video courtesy of the Natural History Museum.
Create a creature

Have some fun creating a creature (PDF, 224KB) using recycled materials around the house. You can either modify/improve an animal you are familiar with or you can invent your own creature. Be sure to consider it's habitat, external features, defence mechanisms and diet in your design.
Environmental Monitoring

Go outside and complete an engaging literacy activity as you 'read' the conditions around you. Using a weather app on a phone or iPad you can discover the environmental statistics regarding the temperature, sun movement, wind, air pressure, UV rating, tides and moon phase. Compare you statistics over a series of days and note any similarities and differences using the monitor the environment (PDF, 424KB) sheet.
Nature scavenger hunt

What treasures are in your backyard? Complete this scavenger hunt (PDF, 411KB) to take a closer look at the marvel of nature all around you.
Photo Challenge
outside around your yard and capture the wonder of nature in our 20 day nature photo challenge (PDF, 361KB)